Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sold DDD

Sold DDD for $24.84. DDD was TDSC, before it changed it's name and did a (if I recall correctly) 3 for 1 split. I sold because the stock had jumped 20% on great earnings; I may buy again after sentiment settles down. It's a small-cap ($1.25B market cap) so it can be volatile. I still own its competitor, SSYS, which has not jumped in sympathy with DDD.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

ATVI calls expire

ATVI calls expired worthless; curses!

Sold PSLV on weird price action

Sold PSLV at $14.71 due to strange price action. PSLV jumped up 5% while silver was up just 1%. I may buy it back later.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Bought AAPL calls

Today I bought another Jan 2014 call on AAPL. This one has a strike of $490 and cost $87 per share.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bought more PPP

The rest of my buy order on PPP triggered at $3.00